Breeding and Genetics
Our company breeds traditionally herbs, high quality vegetables, & forage seed products
All Our products are NON GMO!

We grow our own herbs using organic & GAP practices ensuring traceability to the source.
All Our crops are grown without pesticides or fungicides.

Extraction and Separation
Our Processing Resources include a premier volume extraction Clean Technology Co2 Super Critical , Chromatography Separation, Steam Distillations Systems.

Testing Certifications and Compliance
Our facilities testing resources includes (HPLC, HPTLC, GC, UV, and CE) assay test, microorganisms, and pesticide residue.

Formulating & Blending
For over 20 years we have been working with botanical & super food ingredients, formulating & blending creating health effective potent solutions.

Effective Solutions
We cultivate, process, package, and sell our products directly to you. Delivering high quality products at the lowest cost to you.100% Assuring our Quality & Customer Service along the way.